Teeth whitening doesn’t have to come from harsh chemicals. If your smile needs a little brightening, try some of these natural remedies instead. Here are some common items that can help whiten your teeth.
Apples’ crispiness strengthens gums, and chewing on them helps scrub your teeth. Apples contain an enzyme called malic acid, which along with their high water content, increases saliva production, dispersing and neutralizing colonies of bacteria that lead to bad breath and plaque.
Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromalain, which has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. It also has been shown to have stain-removing abilities and can break up plaque, the sticky film of bacteria that accumulates on your teeth.
Broccoli contains iron which helps form an acid-resistant film or barrier that can protect the enamel of your teeth. Eating crisp, raw broccoli, like apples, helps clean and polish teeth.
Strawberries, like apples, contain malic acid which helps clean the teeth. They also contain ellegitannins than can help decrease the amount of stain-attracting bacteria and inflammation in the mouth. This fruit is also high in vitamin C (more than oranges!) and thus helps prevent gum inflammation and periodontal disease.
Carrots contain vitamin A, which is needed for healthy tooth enamel. Eating them raw stimulates saliva, your mouth’s natural cleanser.
Onions contain the sulfur compounds, thiosulfinates and thiosulfonates, which reduce bacteria that cause tooth decay. Eating them raw is a must as cooking will destroy these tooth-friendly compounds. If you don’t like onions, garlic also contains these sulfur compounds.
Shitake Mushrooms contain a compound called lentinan, which inhibits bacteria from growing in your mouth.
Basil is a natural antibiotic and contains the essential oils, rosmarinic acid, linalool, and oleanolic acid that inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth.
Water Drinking water promotes saliva production, which helps keep your teeth white. It also helps rinse away acids and debris from the food you eat as well as any lose plaque.
Baking Soda is a base, like bleach, and the "soda"—which is actually a form of salt—is a mild abrasive that works to scrub off plaque and surface stains.