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Inspirational Paper Flowers

Tuesday, 13 May 2014 04:12  by Emily S.

Spring flowers are in full bloom! Roses, lilies, lilac and irises are perfect decorations not just for the garden, but the inside of the home too! Flowers add a feminine, refreshing touch to any home, and are known to have great impact on our emotional health. Bold colors energize us while less saturated colors calm us.

Real flowers are wonderful, but can very demanding to take care of. For those without the green thumb, a nice alternative to real flowers is paper ones. This might sound a bit immature and childish, but paper flowers can actually be a unique and vintage take on spring décor. Using paper flowers gives us an opportunity to be creative. Paper flowers allow both a realistic look and a playful one, where roses can be blue and violets can be red.

One of my favorite looks is a paper flower made from pages of your favorite book or music sheets. Not only is this a unique look, by choosing an inspirational book or song, helps to remind you and inspire you ever time you pass by them. The creative process of making these flowers is also a time to be mindful of choosing the words you love and want to share, as well as focusing your brain on one task. This reduces stress, and you gain the satisfaction of completing something special to you.

What you will need:

  • A book/music book
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Glue, preferably hot glue
  • Pencil
  • Twine


  1. Cut the page into three 4-inch squares. If you want smaller or bigger flowers cut them accordingly, but make sure you have 3 squares all the same size
  2. Fold the square in half into a triangular shape. Then fold them two more times until they are small triangles.
  3. Cut the triangles in to a petal shape by cutting the top rounded, and cut off bottom point where the folding originates. They should unfold into a basic looking flower with a hole in the middle.
  4. Next, cut one petal out of one, two out of the next one and three out of the last one.
  5. Connect the two edges and glue them. Your flower should now be a cone shape. Curl down the top edges to give a realistic touch.
  6. To assemble them, start with the piece with the most petals first on the outside. For the middle petals, place glue on the outside of each piece that will go inside. The order should start with largest piece first and get increasingly smaller as they enter the rose. Let the glue dry for a couple of minutes.
  7. To make the stem, place twine or wire through the middle of the flower, bend the top of the wire over so that it stays.
  8. Repeat for as many flowers as you want.
  • Source:

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