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Creative Closet Cleansing

Wednesday, 29 October 2014 00:00  by Stephanie C.

October is my favorite month. The transition into autumn, crisp air, and colorful scenery inspire new beginnings and my creativity heightens. It is also the time that I prepare for the coming winter and transition myself, and my surroundings for the colder, shorter days. If I am not careful, I can succumb to the winter blues. Staying active, organized, and making the simplest and mundane things fun keep me away from depression and staying positive.

Purging my closet is something I allow myself to do throughout the entire month of October. Since it is the season for dress-up and make-believe, I like to bring that spirit to organizing my wardrobe. What do I keep? What should go? Will I EVER wear this? It’s hard to determine what we may wear in the future or when to let go of something that’s a bit over worn. I suggest asking 5 questions in the wardrobe purge to determine if an outfit is taking up space or is still a good investment.

  1. Have you worn it in the last 6 months?
    This is the best indication of whether an article of clothing has personal value to you.
  2. Does it fit right now?
    It’s important to stay mindful of our bodies and current situations. When our weight fluctuates or an item of clothing shrinks a bit, hanging onto it can create more anxiety than needed.
  3. Is it versatile?
    Sometimes trends are short lived. Do those high-waist sailor pants that were so cute last year seem a bit clownish now? A black knee-length skirt is a good reliable keeper. Articles of clothing that can go with anything are usually beneficial on days when you can’t figure out what to wear.
  4. If you saw it in the store today, would you buy it?
    This is the ultimate question. If no, it may be time to let go.
  5. Does it hold sentimental value?
    Maybe you don’t wear your grandmother’s coat from the 1960’s but the nostalgia and sentiment is priceless. Keep it!

If I am still undecided, then I wear it! I often wear clothes that take up space in my closet throughout October. It brings the magic of dress-up into each day and allows me to judge whether an outfit feels good or is just plain outgrown (or silly). It’s also the month that I put aside what others may think, and truly use my creativity and thought into piecing together an outfit.

I used to clean my closet in one afternoon, carelessly tossing things away for the sake of decluttering, only to wish I had held onto them later. Giving myself a relaxed time frame and adding a creative twist to my decision making helps me look forward to something that I once dreaded doing. To boot, I am hosting a pumpkin-carving clothing swap with a few of my girlfriends this year! Whatever is left will then be donated and who knows what treasure I may add to my wardrobe.

Happy Autumn, embrace your creativity and magic in all that you do!

Last modified on Wednesday, 29 October 2014 03:32

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