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The Lily Program® ~ An Individualized Mental Health Program For Women

Wednesday, 19 December 2012 19:16

DBT 101…

Written by Carrie F.
DBT 101…

goalHave you ever blamed someone else for your outcomes???

I caught myself feeling cranky and tired at an early morning spin class. My mind swirled with negative thoughts, blaming my lack of success and effort on everyone and everything besides myself. I was blaming the teacher for not pushing me hard enough,tired not playing motivating music, for frustrating me by mumbling into the microphone. After about 10-15 of this internal draining dialogue, frustration (and limited sweat), a light went on. This is stair climbingabout me!

It’s my job to make the best of every situation ~ the instructor doesn’t suffer if I am not working hard, I do! I found myself using my DBT skills: I reframed the situation; I took responsibilities for the situation so I could be in control. I was responsible for my attitude and my outcome depended on me and my efforts, regardless of what my environment presented as barriers.wooden trails

This made me think of how often I use the very skills I teach. Without DBT, I know I would spend much more time worrying and blaming rather than enjoying life and reaching my goals.

“We can’t always chose our circumstances, but we can always chose our attitude.”

Last modified on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 19:44

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