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The Lily Program® ~ An Individualized Mental Health Program For Women

Saturday, 02 August 2014 00:00

Brookhaven Retreat Ends July By Celebrating “Letting Go” Week

Brookhaven Retreat Ends July By Celebrating “Letting Go” Week

Letting go of the words, actions and thoughts that have caused pain and emotional breakage can seem like an impossible feat. Brookhaven Retreat’s experiential therapy group helps women let go of a painful past so they can move forward to a brighter future.

July 27 through August 2 is Letting Go Week at Brookhaven Retreat. This is part of a unique 12-week dialectical behavior therapy cycle that encourages learning and practicing effective coping skills. During Letting Go Week’s experiential therapy group, women explore nonverbal communication to let go of emotional suffering.

It can be hard for a woman to express with words the painful emotions and harmful situations that she has been holding on to for so long. However, keeping the depression, anxiety and sadness inside halts the healing process and allows these emotions to obtain power over one’s mental and emotional wellness. To let go of this suffering, a woman must confront her feelings directly.

In July, the women in Brookhaven Retreat’s program confronted their emotional pain by writing down what it was they wanted to leave behind. The women then attached these fears and anxieties to a balloon, watching as their struggles drifted away.

Brookhaven Retreat commits itself to providing a nurturing and safe environment that allows women to freely explore their emotional breakage. As part of its exclusive 90-day treatment program, women are encouraged to participate in various activities and groups that center on healing and recovery.

During the week of July 27-August 2, Brookhaven Retreat reminds women they must let-go of the pains that are hindering long-term emotional and mental wellness.