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Treatment Programs
Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:32


Written by Administrator

Anxiety or panic symptoms can be severe enough to interfere with a woman’s daily life. She may feel excessively nervous or shaky or overwhelmed by tasks that were easily done in the past. The feelings of panic can become so overpowering that she may feel like she is having a “nervous breakdown” or even feel like she is dying.

Women who suffer from anxiety are often so embarrassed or frightened by the feelings of panic that seem to come from nowhere that they are often hesitant to seek help or not even aware that help is available. Compounding the issue is a tendency to withdraw from family and friends out of fear that a panic attack might strike, which makes the anxiety only worse and further erodes away at enjoyment of normal pleasures. Other symptoms of anxiety or panic that may interfere with a woman’s ability to function include:

  • Racing heart or feeling “shaky inside”
  • Trouble concentrating or thinking straight
  • Feeling like running away
  • Having so much nervous energy that she has to pace constantly
  • Fear of leaving the house or a particular room of the house
  • Fear of being around crowds or excessive noise
  • Trembling hands, feeling smothered, or being unable to breathe
  • Trouble finding the right words to explain how she feels
  • Feeling overwhelmed by activities of daily living
  • Losing track of time or having trouble managing time
  • Flashbacks about traumatic or upsetting experiences
  • Having trouble sleeping or having nightmares

Treatment for anxiety can be complicated because the source is not always clear. Recent changes in life circumstances may trigger a severe episode of anxiety or such feelings may be a post-traumatic reaction to past stress or trauma experiences. The most effective treatment is through a comprehensive approach factoring in life circumstances, medical history and an understanding of the underlying reason for the problems. At Brookhaven Retreat, our medical and clinical staff can are adept at assessing a woman’s experience of anxiety or panic and tailoring treatment to her particular needs. If you think you or someone you care about is having trouble with feeling excessively nervous, frightened or panicky, please call us and let us help.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:31


Written by Administrator

Also called manic-depressive disorder, bipolar is characterized by extreme mood swings. Women experiencing this may feel like they are on a constant roller coaster. The manic phase of bipolar disorder is the “up” side and the depressive phase is the “down” side of these severe mood swings. Swings from high to low may occur in rapid cycles, even within the same day, or each phase may last for weeks or months. This instability of mood can be devastating for women and their families.

A woman may feel on top of the world or out-of-control during the high-energy manic phase and then will swing into an extreme state of depression. Often, frustration with such out-of-control feelings leads to episodes of rage or aggressive outbursts.

Treatment for bipolar disorder can be complicated because of resistance to stay on medications. A woman with bipolar disorder may have difficulty finding an experienced bipolar therapist who is able to address life circumstances, medical history, the severity of symptoms and the disorder’s impact on daily life. Medication management differs from that of depression because some anti-depressant medications can trigger a manic episode rather than stabilize mood. Social support is so valuable to a woman experiencing bipolar disorder yet so often their extreme mood swings cause alienation and shame. 

Brookhaven Retreat psychiatrists and therapist work together to assess depressive and manic symptoms to provide bipolar disorder treatment in a compassionate and non-judging environment. If you think you or someone you care about is having trouble with mood swings, we can help you determine the best route to get bipolar treatment.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:31


Written by Administrator

Mania is the “up” side of severe mood swings characteristic of manic depression. It can be an extremely elevated mood or a time of very high energy. A woman may feel on top of the world or out-of-control. Frustration with such out-of-control feelings may also lead to rage episodes or aggressive outbursts. Whether the woman’s manic experience feels wonderful or scary, the episode ultimately ends in burn-out or a swing to an extreme state of depression.

Mania may also be reflected in excessive shopping/spending, gambling or sexual behaviors. Inability to make good judgments about personal safety may be especially problematic. During a manic episode, a woman may not recognize manic behaviors as dangerous or problematic and may have to depend on family and friends to recognize the “red flags” of a potential manic episode, such as:

  • Disorganized thinking or an inability to focus
  • Excessive talking or rapid speech
  • Filled with nervous energy that she has to pace constantly
  • Not being able to sleep or not wanting to sleep
  • Shopping or gambling sprees
  • Sexual promiscuity or heightened interest in sex
  • Driving too fast
  • Obsession with grandiose and unrealistic ideas
  • Not taking prescribed medications

Treatment of mania depends on several factors that include life circumstances, medical history, severity of symptoms, and their impact on daily function. If you or someone you care about is having trouble with manic symptoms, please contact us and take the first step toward getting help.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:31


Written by Administrator

For the women that come to Brookhaven Retreat, depression is much, much more than just sadness or unhappiness. Depressional has no age limit. The ladies that come to Brookhaven Retreat have had a depressed mood symptom lasting for most of the day for a number of weeks or months, and in some cases years. Many of the women who are depressed have a number of other symptoms they are dealing with everyday.

For depressed women it is very important that you learn, understand and know what depression does to your life and how that impacts the ones you love. At Brookhaven Retreat depression is treated as the illness it is. 

While in residential treatment you will go on a journey of self-exploration along with full medical diagnosis and support. As women we are often taught not to listen to ourselves, but rather to the needs of others and our community. We know depression destroys self-esteem and confidence. Guilt and shame are one of the reasons many women do not get the correct help for the illness of depression and yet when we begin to listen to ourselves and trust our own emotions we find hope.

WE use a holistic approach bringing together careful diagnosis, medication management and therapy to re-establish a living rhythm that is right for you.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:05

Poncho - A Map to Recovery

Written by Administrator

The Poncho ProgramTM is our revolutionary life realignment program developed to equip our clients for success.

It was designed specifically for women to address the many aspects of life affected by their emotional challenges in mental health, substance abuse or addictive behaviors. Recognizing a life lived in crisis is not neat and tidy, the Poncho Program begins in treatment and piece by piece, life begins to take on meaning, reason and stability once again.

Serving as a map to recovery, the Poncho Program progressively builds life skills and empowers are clients to prioritize their own living needs and how to meet those needs in a healthy and successful manner. This program enables you to take back your own life and have a successful recovery while building a future you can be proud of.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:05

Detox Program

Written by Administrator

Upon entering Brookhaven Retreat, women may need detoxification from drugs and/or alcohol, as well as time to gain emotional stability. Close-care quarters in the detoxification center allow our medical staff to monitor clients, insuring their medical needs are being addressed. We have RNs available around the clock, supervised by a nursing director and three physicians.

The detoxification process can be painful and debilitating. At Brookhaven Retreat we have a medical detox unit that is able to expertly address the extreme risks for certain client groups. Our number one priority is to keep our clients physically and mentally safe and absolutely as comfortable as they possibly can be through one-on-one care.

Focusing on the comfort of our clients, during detoxification is a key difference for Brookhaven Retreat. We find that addressing the important medical complications of detoxification while managing the pain and discomfort of withdrawal allows or the journey of self discovery and healing to begin in the most positive light possible.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:04

Addiction Programs

Written by Administrator

Throughout the entire addiction industry, there is a widespread belief that addiction and alcoholism are diseases in and of themselves, isolated from outside or more complicating causes. This belief results in the treatment of the effects of addiction and alcoholism rather than in the treatment of their root causes.

At Brookhaven Retreat we believe that addiction and substance abuse are not diseases in themselves but are often symptoms of a larger illness. In order to stop the feelings of emptiness and worthlessness, some women turn to addictive activities to make the pain go away. Addictive behaviors may include shopping, working , gambling, alcohol abuse, prescription drugs, recreational drugs, chat rooms, video games, eating or sexual activity.

None of these can fill the void and, instead, act to destroy mental, physical and emotional health even further. Unfortunately, women rarely ask for help with addictions because of the pervasive feelings of shame and a mistaken belief that they should be able to do it all and stop on their own.

The shadow of addiction and substance abuse is dark and threatening, but when faced with care and compassion, we can discover and heal these ailments. As a dual-diagnosis treatment center, our clinical and medical staff can address the addiction and the underlying causes that lead women to feel empty and alone.

Believing healing comes from loving one’s self, Brookhaven Retreat is a loving and non-punitive environment. While other addiction facilities often demand clients to engage in demeaning chores like scrubbing floors or washing toilets under the guise of therapy, we at Brookhaven Retreat choose to treat our clients with the utmost respect and dignity. A woman seeking treatment has a self image that is already tarnished and our task it to rebuild a healthy self image. Demeaning a client with such chores only serves to reinforce the wrong belief that she has done something “bad” for which punishment is required.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:03

Mental Health Programs

Written by Administrator

So often, stigma and more stigma stops women from addressing mental health problems. The fear that we are less than a woman, a mother, and a daughter because we are depressed, traumatized, anxious or unable to concentrate is a huge road block to discussing and seeking help.

Emotional distress can be reflected in ways that are difficult to understand and that may be difficult to manage safely. A troubled woman may hide the intensity of her emotional pain or sadness until the problem becomes so severe that she is unable to function in her daily life or so overwhelming that she tries to harm herself or others. Some “red flag” behaviors that may signal severe emotional distress and the need for professional help include:

  • Self-injury behaviors such as superficial or non-superficial cutting
  • Persistent picking at skin
  • “Accidental” physical injuries
  • Thinking or talking about suicide
  • Thinking or talking about intent or plans to hurt others
  • Thinking or talking about self or others being “better off dead”
  • Not being able to sleep well or sleeping too much
  • Not being able to eat well or eating too much
  • Spending excessive amounts of money
  • Hearing voices or seeing things that are not real
  • Having persistent nightmares
  • Withdrawal from family and friends/social isolation
  • Excessive weight loss or gain
  • Excessive absence from work
  • Inability to take care of self or others in activities of daily living
  • Disorganized thinking or loss of memory

The source of her emotional distress may not be clear to the woman who is experiencing it or to those who care about her, but the need to find a safe environment for recovery is clear. If you or someone you love is experiencing severe emotional distress or demonstrates any of the above behaviors, please contact us at Brookhaven Retreat to start the process of getting help.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:03

Dual Diagnosis Difference

Written by Administrator

Brookhaven Retreat is a fully licensed dual-diagnosis treatment center for emotional and mental health conditions as well as addiction. Being fully licensed and staffed to treat both mental health and addiction issues is an important distinction to look for because it provides women seeking help with the greatest amount of resources to address all aspects of addiction and mental disorder.

Many women have a combination of substance abuse and other diagnosable issues. For treatment to be effective, the two must be defined then treated and managed appropriately and in symphony with each other. Our integrated approach brings together clinical and medical staff who are skilled at dealing with both mental health and addiction issues to formulate a path to recovery that is tailored specifically to you and takes into account your unique life experiences and medical history. This treatment actively combines a variety of modalities to address substance abuse and mental disorders in order to treat the whole woman more effectively.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 19:02

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Written by Administrator

Our mental health and substance abuse treatment programs work with most mood disorders, some personality disorders, and addictions to alcohol and drugs. Many of our clients have a combination of these and often have a history of transferring their emotional escape tool. Many of our clients have no substance dependency at all.

Substance Abuse Recovery Programs

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Prescription drug addiction
  • Under/Over medicating
  • Addictive behaviors
    • Shopping addiction
    • Emotional eating
    • Co-dependence
    • Exercise addiction
    • Isolation
    • Internet and Texting

Brookhaven Retreat offers treatment for many mood disorders, mental health conditions and emotional breakages.

Mental Health Recovery Programs

  • Depression
  • Post partum depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Panic disorder
  • Trauma
  • Grief and loss
  • Self injury
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Self Esteem
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