Core Content (94)
A woman with emotional breakage often cannot feel love, safety, confidence or self-belief and therefore does not experience truly meaningful relationships with others or herself. Such a woman goes through the motions that try to fulfill societies expectations of her so she is considered 'normal', yet she never feels complete or centered but remains alone.
Instead of feeling self love and self respect and comfortable with herself a woman with emotional breakage often feels empty and lost constantly second-guessing. How hard she is trying to use behaviors to fill the emotional gap many of which may be damaging to her life and relationship management and without the insight necessary prolongs and perpetuates the cycle. Slowly feeling worse and worse a hopelessness sets in, some women suffer in silence with clear mental health symptoms such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety to name a few.
In order to find comfort and to distance themselves from feelings of emptiness, worthlessness, confusion, some women find themselves turning behaviors that temporarily make them feel relieved such as shopping, over-achieving, pleasing, but find they have slowing slipped into an addictive process that they cannot stop. Other women find themselves depending on prescription medication, alcohol, recreational drugs, sexual activity, cyber relationships, gambling, or working.
None of these actually take away the emptiness and feelings of aloneness the woman is experiencing. They simple are tools that temporarily numb out the feeling. However the problem always returns so the addiction cycle remains.
None of these behaviors give the woman the centered wholeness which alludes her, they actually destroy her self belief, self esteem and confidence until she becomes totally disempowered to the point for some of wanting to just give up. During the practice of addictive behaviors, a woman does not usually anticipate the consequences of her actions, but knows she desperately wants her life to change. The woman just does not know how to bring that about. Women find it very difficult to ask for help because of guilt and shame they may feel. They are often the keeper of secrets and lies that the very thought of sharing almost paralyzes them with fear. Most women because of their nurturing nature often think that they should be able to fix their issues themselves.
Very few connect emotional breakage with addiction.
The clouds of addiction, substance abuse, emotional breakage and mental health issues are dark and threatening and do not have a history of being kind to women.
Helen Keller said
"Keep your face in the sunshine
and you cannot see the shadow."
Our mission at Brookhaven is underpinned by the belief that there is never addictive behavior without emotional breakage. Women need a multi track program which closes down the noises of life to hear the voice of their own interior person. Upon listening to their own inner voice during this profound journey of Introspection with the assistance of a range of clinical professionals a clear identification process must begin.
During this process the client must always feel safe and aware of the vast array of resources available to her in her growth whilst at Brookhaven and understand to remain safe she must plan for a life of emotional maintenance. A framework has to be understood and built offering freedom within that framework that allows the individualisticness of centeredness to exist and be felt within each woman.
To have the most effect on a woman the program must be gender specific to create the freeness of speech that is necessary to emotional growth. All barriers that make successful treatment less effective must be removed. The needs of women physically, emotionally, spiritually mentally and men are totally different. Brookhaven's program specifically only looks at the needs of adult women and is constructed so as not to be punitive but empowering and comprehensive.
It is Brookhaven's core belief that for women to function to their optimum they have to be able to stand alone rather than being afraid of being left alone. Whatever they are feeling, to know it, understand it and own it brings about that result. Self-regulation leads to self-love and long-term wellness.
It is not enough to know the "jargon" of treatment. Knowledge does not make a person well. It is the ability to apply that knowledge to your particular situation and life that leads to long-term positive outcomes. There is no quick way to do this it takes time and hard work that is why the program is 90 days. There are many tools a woman has to learn to use. No tool is valuable if you leave it in the toolbox. Working tools are what help a woman to succeed. So learning how to use tools is essential in the development of self-esteem.
Healing means to become comfortable with yourself, feeling accepted, confident, empowered and valuable as an owner of life this is progressively achieved through a range of modalities of skilled therapy, medical management, overall wellness and life reality skills.
Each woman's unique life journey for newfound balance can be found not through dependence but centered independence. At Brookhaven we are determined to help a woman to help herself in a fully integrated holistic program that offers no judgment, stigma or shame rather understanding, growth and long term sustainability.
The Brookhaven Retreat, LLC mission is to provide high quality, cost effective comprehensive treatment and education to individuals and families affected by psychiatric disorders and/or chemical dependence.
Brookhaven Retreat offers treatment for women who have experienced trauma that has led to emotional and mental health conditions. Women suffering from the effects of sexual abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, domestic violence or post-partum stress often become chemically dependent or have coexisting psychiatric diagnoses. AS a fully licensed dual-diagnosis treatment center, our team of medical and clinical professionals can effectively work with you on all fronts and develop a path to wellness specific to your recovery needs that addresses your unique life experiences and medical history.
Not understanding your mental health issues is like living in a cocoon, a very restricted and limited life. ON the journey at Brookhaven Retreat we teach you to thrive. Secrets and lies are often what keep women emotionally and mentally sick but it is possible to recover from the emotional breakage that result from trauma. Our clients find the camaraderie of an all-woman facility to be a worthwhile support as they begin their recovery.
We are proud of our program and the treatment we provide, and we welcome questions as you begin searching for a treatment center. We are available at all hours of the day to provide you with information about Brookhaven Retreat, as well as specific information about the focus and approach of our programs.
Anxiety or panic symptoms can be severe enough to interfere with a woman’s daily life. She may feel excessively nervous or shaky or overwhelmed by tasks that were easily done in the past. The feelings of panic can become so overpowering that she may feel like she is having a “nervous breakdown” or even feel like she is dying.
Women who suffer from anxiety are often so embarrassed or frightened by the feelings of panic that seem to come from nowhere that they are often hesitant to seek help or not even aware that help is available. Compounding the issue is a tendency to withdraw from family and friends out of fear that a panic attack might strike, which makes the anxiety only worse and further erodes away at enjoyment of normal pleasures. Other symptoms of anxiety or panic that may interfere with a woman’s ability to function include:
- Racing heart or feeling “shaky inside”
- Trouble concentrating or thinking straight
- Feeling like running away
- Having so much nervous energy that she has to pace constantly
- Fear of leaving the house or a particular room of the house
- Fear of being around crowds or excessive noise
- Trembling hands, feeling smothered, or being unable to breathe
- Trouble finding the right words to explain how she feels
- Feeling overwhelmed by activities of daily living
- Losing track of time or having trouble managing time
- Flashbacks about traumatic or upsetting experiences
- Having trouble sleeping or having nightmares
Treatment for anxiety can be complicated because the source is not always clear. Recent changes in life circumstances may trigger a severe episode of anxiety or such feelings may be a post-traumatic reaction to past stress or trauma experiences. The most effective treatment is through a comprehensive approach factoring in life circumstances, medical history and an understanding of the underlying reason for the problems. At Brookhaven Retreat, our medical and clinical staff can are adept at assessing a woman’s experience of anxiety or panic and tailoring treatment to her particular needs. If you think you or someone you care about is having trouble with feeling excessively nervous, frightened or panicky, please call us and let us help.
Also called manic-depressive disorder, bipolar is characterized by extreme mood swings. Women experiencing this may feel like they are on a constant roller coaster. The manic phase of bipolar disorder is the “up” side and the depressive phase is the “down” side of these severe mood swings. Swings from high to low may occur in rapid cycles, even within the same day, or each phase may last for weeks or months. This instability of mood can be devastating for women and their families.
A woman may feel on top of the world or out-of-control during the high-energy manic phase and then will swing into an extreme state of depression. Often, frustration with such out-of-control feelings leads to episodes of rage or aggressive outbursts.
Treatment for bipolar disorder can be complicated because of resistance to stay on medications. A woman with bipolar disorder may have difficulty finding an experienced bipolar therapist who is able to address life circumstances, medical history, the severity of symptoms and the disorder’s impact on daily life. Medication management differs from that of depression because some anti-depressant medications can trigger a manic episode rather than stabilize mood. Social support is so valuable to a woman experiencing bipolar disorder yet so often their extreme mood swings cause alienation and shame.
Brookhaven Retreat psychiatrists and therapist work together to assess depressive and manic symptoms to provide bipolar disorder treatment in a compassionate and non-judging environment. If you think you or someone you care about is having trouble with mood swings, we can help you determine the best route to get bipolar treatment.
Mania is the “up” side of severe mood swings characteristic of manic depression. It can be an extremely elevated mood or a time of very high energy. A woman may feel on top of the world or out-of-control. Frustration with such out-of-control feelings may also lead to rage episodes or aggressive outbursts. Whether the woman’s manic experience feels wonderful or scary, the episode ultimately ends in burn-out or a swing to an extreme state of depression.
Mania may also be reflected in excessive shopping/spending, gambling or sexual behaviors. Inability to make good judgments about personal safety may be especially problematic. During a manic episode, a woman may not recognize manic behaviors as dangerous or problematic and may have to depend on family and friends to recognize the “red flags” of a potential manic episode, such as:
- Disorganized thinking or an inability to focus
- Excessive talking or rapid speech
- Filled with nervous energy that she has to pace constantly
- Not being able to sleep or not wanting to sleep
- Shopping or gambling sprees
- Sexual promiscuity or heightened interest in sex
- Driving too fast
- Obsession with grandiose and unrealistic ideas
- Not taking prescribed medications
Treatment of mania depends on several factors that include life circumstances, medical history, severity of symptoms, and their impact on daily function. If you or someone you care about is having trouble with manic symptoms, please contact us and take the first step toward getting help.
For the women that come to Brookhaven Retreat, depression is much, much more than just sadness or unhappiness. Depressional has no age limit. The ladies that come to Brookhaven Retreat have had a depressed mood symptom lasting for most of the day for a number of weeks or months, and in some cases years. Many of the women who are depressed have a number of other symptoms they are dealing with everyday.
For depressed women it is very important that you learn, understand and know what depression does to your life and how that impacts the ones you love. At Brookhaven Retreat depression is treated as the illness it is.
While in residential treatment you will go on a journey of self-exploration along with full medical diagnosis and support. As women we are often taught not to listen to ourselves, but rather to the needs of others and our community. We know depression destroys self-esteem and confidence. Guilt and shame are one of the reasons many women do not get the correct help for the illness of depression and yet when we begin to listen to ourselves and trust our own emotions we find hope.
WE use a holistic approach bringing together careful diagnosis, medication management and therapy to re-establish a living rhythm that is right for you.
Family members and friends may contact Brookhaven Retreat using the following information:
Brookhaven Retreat
1016 I.C. King Road
Seymour, TN 37865
1-877-817-3422 or (865) 573-3656
Fax (865) 609-6216
Please remember when visiting or contacting your loved ones that Brookhaven Retreat adheres strictly to standards and procedures that protect client confidentiality.
You may email your loved one at .
Messages left for clients will be posted on the communication board outside the Program Director's office.
Flowers, gifts, cards and letters will be delivered to clients daily.
Please speak with your loved one's primary therapist prior to sending gifts.
Download the PDF document below for information on resources local to Brookhaven Retreat, including hotels, florists and attractions.
We know how important your family member is to each and every one of you. The purpose of family visitation is to have a pleasant experience with your loved ones. We encourage you to save your issues and concerns for your scheduled family therapy sessions with the primary therapist.
To assure safety during visitation we ask you to abide by the following guidelines:
- Approved items only
- Please e-mail your loved one's therapist prior to bringing items.
- If bringing flower arrangements, please have them in a plastic vase.
- Guidelines for young children:
- Unfortunately staff and other clients are unable to watch children, so please make sure to have supervision for your children during visitation.
- Please visit with your loved ones in the community areas only.
- Visitors are allowed to view loved ones rooms with supervision from staff.
- Board games are available during visitation upon request.
- Please leave your pets at home.
The myAlumnae web site is a private, Facebook-style virtual community our clients can use to stay connected to the friends they have made while at Brookhaven Retreat. This valuable resource allows our clients to continue to share with and support one another as they continue to recover and pursue a healthy, happy life.
If you are a Brookhaven Retreat alumna, click here to visit the Brookhaven Retreat myAlumnae community website.
While at Brookhaven Retreat we make efforts to involve the family in treatment in many ways. Please keep in mind, it is always up to the client as to who they will authorize us to involve in their care but this is something we strongly encourage. We offer family therapy to our clients at least once a week as recommended by the primary therapist and treatment team. We have a standard visitation time every Sunday afternoon, maintain weekly contact with family, and offer on and off campus therapeutic passes with family when it is appropriate in the course of treatment. After all, the family will be the informal support that our clients have when they return home and we want to educate and strengthen these connections to allow for the best transition home possible.
For our alumnae we continue to encourage family involvement in treatment after our client's have returned home. This may take place in outpatient family or marital therapy or support groups for family members to attend with their loved one or independently. Again, maintaining a positive support system is a crucial piece of long-term success in recovery. Being willing to involve family in your care both during and after this treatment and for family to be willing to engage in your treatment efforts will be essential.