Many women with mental health issues find themselves unable to create stability in their lives. Women suffering from depression, trauma or emotional breakage experience prolonged periods of listlessness and fail to organize many important aspects of their lives. As their social, financial, medical and career needs are neglected, women’s entire lives seem to crumble around them, worsening mental illness.
Despite their importance for wellness and effectiveness in everyday life, organizational skills are rarely taught to women in mental health recovery programs. Brookhaven Retreat plans to introduce these critical skills during its Saturday life skills classes.
When the many aspects of a woman’s life are well ordered, she is able to focus on wellness and joy. During Brookhaven Retreat’s 12-week class, women will learn to emotionally and physically organize their closets, homes, finances, refrigerators and other life spaces. This facilitates daily life and encourages the healthy habits that lower stress and support emotional wellness.
Women cannot be emotionally well if they cannot organize their lives. Brookhaven Retreat’s 12-week weekend program uses a series of therapeutic and educational activities to help women build a future beyond mental illness or substance abuse. The new program is set to begin November 1.