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Brookhaven Retreat is Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations and is licensed by the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.


beauty in life worth living
beauty in life worth living

We are a private pay treatment center and do not accept any type of insurance. Costs associated with care are the responsibility of the client.

Brookhaven Retreat Celebrated National Girlfriends Day August 1

Wednesday, 05 August 2015 00:00 
Brookhaven Retreat Celebrated National Girlfriends Day August 1

National Girlfriends Day is annually recognized on August 1, as girlfriends get together around the United States and celebrate the special bond of friendship through women.

One might say every day is Girlfriends Day at Brookhaven Retreat considering all clients and most of the staff is comprised of women who support each other in many ways on a daily basis. Brookhaven Retreat ® LLC celebrated National Girlfriends Day on August 1, when clients were encouraged to write a letter to a best friend to express gratitude for their presence in their lives and relay their experiences at Brookhaven Retreat thus far.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) touts the importance of helping your girlfriends through hard times. “A friend with a chronic or mental illness, abusive relationship, or caregiving issues may lead a complicated life for a period of time. Do what you can to be supportive and encouraging, and recognize that it may be challenging for you and your friend. Be informed. Maintain your own mental and physical health.”

Jacqueline Dawes, founder of Brookhaven Retreat, says, “My female friends have been the most supportive during hard times in my life and I relied on them heavily at certain points. Our clients need the same support, especially when they leave us and enter back into their routines. We encourage each of our clients to maintain their friendships and share what they’ve learned here. It’s conceivable that one of their friends may benefit from their journey and the many forms of therapy they related to here, and maybe even muster the courage to take a retreat as well.”