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Licensing & Accreditation

Brookhaven Retreat is Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations and is licensed by the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.


beauty in life worth living
beauty in life worth living

We are a private pay treatment center and do not accept any type of insurance. Costs associated with care are the responsibility of the client.

Self-Care and Self-Respect

Tuesday, 29 January 2013 21:16 
Self-Care and Self-Respect

February is often a month associated with expressing love. During this month, Brookhaven Retreat encourages women to express love for themselves and begin a routine of self-care that nurtures emotional health.

Women frequently place the needs of others above their own and focus on careers, children, spouses, family, friends or even dinner plans above their own needs, frequently at the cost of mental or physical health. This self-sacrifice can run many women ragged and can lead to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, poor self-esteem and a slew of other mental health issues. While born out of good intentions, doing too much for others can be self-destructive. Women need time to recharge in order to live healthy lives.

Self-care, rather than a time of indulgence, is mean to balance stressors, reduce negative emotions and help maintain mental and physical wellness. It is a mark of personal self-respect when women can take time to themselves without feeling guilty.

Self-care is essential in order to manage the daily stress that can contribute to mental health issues. Brookhaven Retreat encourages women to devote the same care and attention to themselves as they would a treasured friend, and to begin doing so by creating diet, exercise and personal care plans that nurture mental and physical health.

By taking the time out for themselves, women reinforce self-respect and confidence. Women also find that when they take better care of themselves, they feel energized, experience renewed happiness and find greater enjoyment in day-to-day life.