It took me about two months to get the chemicals out of my head and start thinking clearly. Everybody was so supportive. I moved a lot slower than the other clients on projects and such. Carrie has been supportive yet still kicked my butt into gear. I had forgotten that being sober could be fun. You guys have lead me to see another way of life. There have been times I have wanted to give up, but whether it be Julie out at the horses or Carrie in Core, they always gave me another way to look at the situation. They would not let me give up. I thought going to AA/NA meetings was going to be horrible, but Erin encouraged me to engage in them. The meetings aren't bad and will be a part of my new life. Dr. S. worked with me to find the right medication that allowed me to see this new life was possible. You guys have helped me to achieve something that I thought I could never have. I am worthy of love and kindness. The nurturing of good food, I actually had not eaten three meals a day in years. The clean rooms and the pink ladies humor made me feel safe.
They would not let me give up.
Brookhaven Staff,
When I got here it was the last place I wanted to be but I would do anything to get my son back.
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