About Jacqueline

Jacqueline is a mother of two, a property developer, and a specialist in owning and operating assisted living facilities. Her interest in spiritual matters has always been paramount.

Jacqueline was born in Colorado but raised and educated in the UK. After the sad loss of her 18-year-old daughter in 1998, Jacqueline relocated to the United States with her son Jonathan.

Having struggled with the grief and loss of her daughter and a subsequent divorce from her husband of 25 years, Jacqueline finally decided to settle in East Tennessee because of its similarity to Scotland, where she spent most of her adult life. Jacqueline likes to call it the Celtic State because of the many early Celtic Settlers. It also has the beauty of having few natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes or floods.

Jacqueline has fully recovered from the emotional breakage she experienced after losing her daughter and husband, and she now relies on her spirituality and belief in The Creator as her source of strength.

Jacqueline wanted to set up a recovery center for women who have numbed themselves emotionally and shut off their feelings in a struggle to endure emotional breakage; women who could not cope with the guilt and shame of their perceived failures; women who were unable to seek full time care because of the humiliation of admitting the need for help, many of whom were unable to talk about the secrets and lies making them sick.

Self-medication seemed easier for these women but became a monster that continually destroys their lives.

To Jacqueline, Brookhaven was to be an oasis of serenity that would allow women to understand what was going on with them mentally and emotionally though professional supervision and guidance. They would then be equipped with the tools required to manage their needs in a healthy way through the power of introspection.

Co-occurring conditions are very common in women with chemical dependency and many have dual-diagnosis that goes unrecognized. Women with undiagnosed and untreated mental health needs are very vulnerable to prescription, drug and alcohol dependency.

Jacqueline wanted women who had been bereaved, experienced loss or abandonment, suffered trauma, or been abused to learn that there is nothing more valuable than the gift of life itself.

Each person needs to be the best they can be.