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Brookhaven Retreat is Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations and is licensed by the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.


beauty in life worth living
beauty in life worth living

We are a private pay treatment center and do not accept any type of insurance. Costs associated with care are the responsibility of the client.

Reach For The Stars

Thursday, 20 November 2014 00:00  by Emily S.

Space exploration is always evolving, breaking barriers that were once thought impossible, and astounding the minds of everyone here on Earth. It provides us with a literal meaning of the adage “reach for the stars”. And this month, space discovery made history when the European Space Agency (ESA) landing a probe on a moving comet for the very first time.

This is big news; it opens the door for huge discoveries to be made and a better understanding of our solar system. However, this historical event didn’t just happen with any effort. According to CNN, the Philae probe has been circling outer space attached to the Rosetta spacecraft for ten years and a total of 6.4 billion miles before it was released in to a free fall, strategically let go in an attempt to connect with a passing comet.

Big steps like this happen because of dedication and effort, a sentiment that is much like the journey many women face in an effort to discover a life of healing and wellness. Whether it is rebuilding emotional health after trauma and PTSD or learning to regulate emotions that become overwhelming in the face of anxiety and depression, successful recovery begins with a first step of hope in yourself and believing that healing is possible.

Brookhaven Retreat’s unique women-only residential treatment program specializes in treating those with mood disorders and/or substance abuse issues. Like many journeys, the road to a successful recovery is rooted in preparation. A residential treatment setting provides a safe and encouraging environment for women to begin the necessary groundwork in order to prepare them for what to expect after their discharge, and equip them with the tools to successfully “latch” on to recovery.

Psychotherapy, life skills and an exclusive alumnae aftercare program offers women a chance at lifelong support, on-going encouragement and continued reinforcement as they venture out on their own individual paths of happiness, fulfillment and stability.

Without courage and hard work, the greatest achievements in history would lay dormant. From the moon landings to the Mars rover, the history of space exploration has been a story of ambition, practice and dedication. Our own personal success story begins with the brave decision to make a change and regain control over our own life. We must believe that there is more out there than feeling consumed by depression and pain of emotional breakage, and in doing so we can experience our own historic moment reaching for the stars.

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