Think of a time where you received a compliment from someone completely unwarranted and unexpected. It probably ignited a spark of happiness inside of you and boosted your confidence for the day. It may have even completely turned a gloomy day around. Compliments are little gems in a world that can seem so preoccupied.
Not only does receiving a compliment boost your mood, but a kind word can have positive influence on the giver as well. Here are 4 reasons to share words of admiration with someone today:
- Compliments establish trust: Genuine compliments are the ultimate icebreaker and can bridge the gap between two strangers. Compliments are the quickest way to establish a sense of welcome and trust between people, and can open the door for a blossoming friendship.
- Compliments slow down your actions: As part of borderline personality disorder, anxiety and depression treatment, women are encouraged to slow their feelings, actions and decisions down and take heed of the moment. By complimenting someone, we are actively stepping back from our routine to appreciating the small things.
- Compliments make you happier: Feeling comfortable and confident to tell a stranger, even a friend, that you like something about them can be challenging, especially for women with social anxiety disorder. But by doing so, we feel happier with our selves as it builds our self-confidence and cultivates a sense of value and worth.
- Compliments encourage others to be kind: Compliments are like the gift that keeps on giving. Part of why most people have the courage to share a kind word to others is due to the fact they know how much personal joy receiving a compliment can bring. So when you give a compliment, you encourage others to continue this cycle.
It is important to keep compliments solely focused on the receiver and not accidentally (or intentionally) speak negatively of yourself. Stating comments such as “I wish my hair was as shiny as yours” or “I could never be as fast as you” not only makes it appear disingenuous, but it also deflates your self-esteem and damages your emotional and mental health.